Conditional liquor licenses allow an individual or business to operate the establishment before the ultimate approval of the permanent license. This is a good way for applicants to operate their businesses with a liquor license prior to receiving final approval. It may be beneficial for your business to have a conditional license, if qualified and considered by the liquor control commission. Conditional licenses are applicable to transfers of ownership, as it relates to the liquor license. Such licenses may assist applicants, as they take over businesses or restructure the establishment. The application process for a conditional license dealing with a transfer of ownership often has less documentation than a new liquor license. There are many useful benefits to conditional liquor licenses, especially the ability to accommodate customers at establishments despite not having final approval for a liquor license. It is worth considering and taking the time to apply for conditional licenses because it can provide additional revenue for your business and expand resources.

Obtaining Conditional Liquor Licenses

In obtaining conditional liquor licenses, applicants should apply for the license, according to the requirements. The liquor control commission has a set of required documents needed for the application. Some of these required items include retail license and permit application, conditional application form, license and permit fees, purchase agreement, and property document. Another criteria for this application process includes a completed church or school proximity affidavit. According to MCL 436.1525 (6), an affidavit is needed verifying that the proposed address is not within 500 feet of a school or church. It, therefore, is important for applicants to be aware of any schools or churches near their proposed location. This is a crucial aspect of the conditional application, due to the set liquor codes. Understanding nearby businesses and commerce can be helpful. Additionally, applicants will need to include any business entity information, if applicable. Include any articles of organization, operating agreements, etc. Following the applicable criteria will be advantageous for applicants when trying to receive liquor licenses.

After the submission of the application and related documents, the licensing department for the liquor control commission review the submitted material and assess the establishment in conjunction with their investigation. Following this, the commission will consider whether the conditional license should be granted. The commission may look to see if the criteria is met, and all additional documents submitted within the application. They may look to the application, purchase agreement, whether there is a criminal history for applicant (s), among other materials. After the commission examines the entire application, they make their recommendation of approval or denial of the conditional license. An approval order would be sent to the applicant, which may provide them with this temporary license. However, if the commission does not grant a conditional license, a denial order would be sent to the applicant instead. Conditional liquor licenses are temporary. It is important for applicants to understand that these licenses are not a permeant license to sell alcoholic beverages. Conditional liquor licenses may have an expiration date that applicants should be aware of. It is important to follow the proper liquor codes and regulations to protect your business and establishment.

Types of Businesses: Conditional Liquor Licenses

Conditional liquor licenses are useful to many types of businesses. Such businesses include hotels, taverns, convenience stores, bars, and restaurants. These licenses can be a positive way for businesses to have a temporary license to accommodate their guests. Most customers and patrons go to taverns and restaurants for the ambiance and hospitality. Often individuals spend their free time enjoying themselves with family and friends and take a break from their occupations by going out to hospitality establishments. Enjoyment can be found based on the individual in a variety of ways that include various cuisines and alcoholic beverages. An advantage of having a conditional license includes possible alcohol sales, which enhance business revenues. This will help your business, especially if it is a new business enterprise. Alcoholic beverages at establishments can attract new customers, which helps the growth of the business. This may intrigue customers and guests, especially those who enjoy drinking. Many individuals find new restaurants and bars exciting and fascinating, and are often encouraged to seek out new establishments within there area. Having a liquor license can be an investment for your business, especially as it relates to increased profits. Alcohol sales are essential for higher profits, the national average for restaurants average around 20-25% based on this article from Modern Restaurant Management. Conditional liquor licenses allow applicants to sell alcoholic beverages prior to their final approval from the MLCC for their establishment, which is a positive influence on the business. Even though a conditional license is temporary, it is advantageous.

Attorneys and Conditional Liquor Licenses

Our attorneys are resourceful to applicants when trying to obtain a conditional license. They assist owners throughout the application process.This includes support during the purchase agreement, property documentation, and the application itself. Applicants may need assistance with becoming licensed in the state of Michigan and hiring an experienced attorney is helpful. Legal counsel can be supportive by answering questions surrounding liquor licensing. Applicants may not be fully aware of all of the applicable criteria and liquor codes. Having legal guidance to see if your business qualifies for a conditional license, would be extremely beneficial to any establishment looking to become licensed. Acceleration of business revenues alongside allowing patrons to become familiar with the establishment. Also, legal advice can be helpful for understanding Michigan liquor codes and city ordinances, especially when it comes to protecting your liquor license. Many applicants may experience issues with their license, and it can be beneficial for them to receive legal advice from attorneys, who will benefit their business.


It is useful to have a conditional license for your business, to expand your business as it is being established. Even though the license is temporary, it is helpful as your business is authorized to sell liquor prior to the final license approval. There are many benefits to obtaining a conditional license, which include attracting new customers and increased sales from alcoholic beverages. It is worth the time to see if an applicant qualifies for the license as they begin establishing their business. An applicant may turn to legal counsel for questions or concerns surrounding the application process and additional liquor codes. It is beneficial to seek legal advice from an experienced attorney in liquor licensing especially for inquiries regarding conditional liquor licenses. The Law Offices of Barton Morris has dedicated attorneys that can help you and your business navigate through the liquor licensing process and can determine if a conditional license is applicable to you. Schedule a consultation to discuss how we can help you reach your business goals.